Dog Tales

Trip to the Vet its not always fun and games

Trip to the Vet its not always fun and games

Enjoy your Trip to the Vet with your pooch As any dog owner can testify a visit to the vet isn’t always fun and games. Your best friend can either enjoy the trip of it can be a nightmare which you as the owner are not going to enjoy. If in the past your dog […]

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People and Dogs

An Apology

An Apology I apologize for the lack of activity recently but shoulder surgery got in the way of updates. I found its incredibly hard to type with only one shoulder and arm working properly so figured the best bet might be to take a chunk of time off and wait for the shoulder to heal […]

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People and Dogs

Putting your Dog to Sleep

Putting your Dog to Sleep

Putting your dog to Sleep The saddest part about being a pet owner is the fact that sooner or later we will need to put our very best and loving friend to sleep. We avoid thinking about it when we buy our dogs but deep down I think all owners know that we are likely […]

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People and Dogs

Dogs Makes Better Pets than Cats

Dogs Makes Better Pets than Cats
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Dog Training Tips

Best Puppy Food

Best Puppy Food

Is Your Puppy Driving You Nuts? I have a small young pug who I can safely say is the most energetic and mischievous dog I have ever seen. I’m  not an experienced dog owner neither have I owned any in the past but I completely fell in love with this breed due to their small […]

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