Dog Videos

The Best of Dogs saying Grace

Cutest video of Dog Training I have ever seen. A compilation of Dogs saying Grace.     Video bought to you by Amedeo777

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Dog Tales

10 dog Commandments

10 dog Commandments

    Photo thanks to Elephant Journal

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People and Dogs

The hard decision to put a dog to sleep

The hard decision to put a dog to sleep

 Determining the End of Life for Your Animal Americans love their pets, and many treat their animals like their own children. We pay to have them groomed and boarded when we are on vacation (sometimes on par with the costs of our vacation accommodation). Some people take their dogs to doggie day care when they […]

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People and Dogs

Thoughts about Getting Another Dog

Thoughts about Getting Another Dog

My reasons I should get Two dogs. Odog Central here is a one dog / one adult household but I have been contemplating recently either adopting a second dog from the Animal Welfare center (a noble gesture I have mentioned before) or about allowing one of my friends to move into the spare room. Allowing […]

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Dog Health

Help my Dog has Seasonal Allergies!

Help my Dog has Seasonal Allergies!

When your dog has seasonal allergies it can crush you with how miserable they can get. All the scratching and mucus that covers their eyes along with the licking of the paws, itching and their general unhappiness. Naturally for our pampered pooches we want to find any kind of solution for our pets we can. […]

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